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The Forge

BDATA Solutions

BDATA second place and founders

BDATA wins second place in Desjardins’ Fintech & Cybersecurity finals

BDATA, a Hamilton-based startup that uses blockchain technology to secure device to device, and device to cloud data transactions, was...

BDATA partners with Advantech

BDATA and Advantech announce a strategic partnership

On April 30, BDATA, The Forge alumnus, and Advantech have announced a strategic partnership to provide blockchain-enabled Internet of Things...

Congrats on being accepted to Collision

2unify, BData, Imaginable Solutions, & Hyivy Health were accepted to Collision

The Forge is thrilled to announce that four of our clients, 2unify, B Data Solutions (BData), Imaginable Solutions, and Hyivy...

BDATA places third in an international ARTC Startup Challenge

BDATA places third in an international ARTC Startup Challenge

On February 4, 2021, B Data Solutions Inc. (BDATA) was awarded third place in the 2021 ARTC Startup Challenge broadcasted from...

BDATA Best IOT Data Security Award

BDATA receives best IoT data security product award

On January 24, 2021, B Data Solutions Inc. (BDATA) received the “Best IoT Data Security Product Award for 2020” from...

The Forge clients BDATA and ezSec won Rogers 5G pitch competition

BDATA and ezSec Won Rogers 5G Pitch Competition

On October 27, Communitech hosted the Rogers 5G virtual pitch competition, where six companies presented their innovative proposals to address...

BDATA and ImaginAble Solutions Score Top Prizes in LiONS LAIR

ImaginAble Solutions and BData Win Top Prizes in LiONS LAIR

Congratulations to The Forge clients, BData Solutions (BDATA) for receiving second place and ImaginAble Solutions for receiving The People’s Choice...

B Data Solutions receives $50K in Funding From Ontario Centres of Excellence

B Data Solutions receives $50K in Funding From Ontario Centres of Excellence

Congratulations to B Data Solutions Inc.,The Forge client, on receiving $50K from “ENCQOR 5G Demonstration Program” offered by the Ontario...

B Data Solutions Inc. Collaborates With TELUS

B Data Solutions and TELUS Collaboration

The Forge client B Data Solutions Inc. is collaborating with Telus to implement connectivity of IoT devices using BDATA-Blockchain on...

Five Forge Clients Selected as LiONS LAIR Finalists

Congratulations to five startups from The Forge that have been selected as finalists in Innovation Factory’s LiONS LAIR Pitch Madness...