When Matthew Rosato’s son was born with cerebral palsy, he took a break from his career to support him. That break turned into Rosato launching a health tech startup that aims to help not only his son but also millions living with osteoarthritis and mobility challenges. Now, the DeGroote MBA graduate is catching the attention of numerous organizations and investors — including the Arthritis Society, which recently awarded him $50,000 to grow his venture.
“My son drives everything but if I can help millions of people in the process of helping him, that’s fantastic,” says Rosato, who completed his MBA in 2012 and also holds a Bachelor of Engineering from McMaster. “I want to change the standard of care. In the coming years, osteoarthritis will put a burden on our healthcare system. We need a way to do personalized medicine.”
Launched in 2018, Rosato’s PROVA Innovations is a startup at The Forge, McMaster University’s business incubator. PROVA has designed the first ever non-invasive, home-based device that guides movement in patients with osteoarthritis, reducing pressure on the hips and knee joints potentially slowing the progression of the disease. By sending cues in small vibrations to the foot, the “smart” in-soles, called WithinStride®, act as a virtual trainer — making them useful for gait rehabilitation.
Read the full article by Izabela Shubair, McMaster University DeGroote School of Business published on July 19, 2022.